Monday, October 10, 2022

How to Reduce AC Energy Bills Significantly?

The Australian summer season is long, dry and harsh, and one effective way to keep it out from your property is using an air conditioning system. A reverse cycle air conditioning Fairfield system is ideal, as it will keep interiors cool during summers and warm during winters. But this constant use of AC systems translates into heavy electricity bills. 

Experts say that there are some proven methods to save money on your next AC bill, and we have covered the top ones here in this post.


The first step is keeping your AC system well maintained. This would mainly involve cleaning air filters because the accumulation of dust, mould and dirt is more on this part than any other. The filter will prevent cooling from occurring, and the AC system will have to work harder and longer. 

To prevent this from happening, regular air filter cleaning is mandatory, as it can reduce up to 15% of your air conditioning bills.


There is a strong urge to keep the temperature to a minimum on hot summer days, but this should not be done at all. Experts and vendors of air conditioning Fairfield recommend that you should always keep your thermostat at 24 degrees because every degree below 24 increases energy consumption by 5%.


Energy bills can also be reduced by reducing AC system usage, and homeowners are smart enough to take decisions on when to keep the AC system "off". This would become easy for the users of reverse cycle air conditioning Fairfield systems, and it is estimated that this could save you up to 100 dollars annually.

reverse cycle air conditioning Fairfield

Other essential steps recommended by the experts are that you should get your AC system serviced on time using the services of licenced AC technicians. By using your ceiling fans in reverse, you can keep your rooms cooler for extended periods. 

By using thermal curtains and getting your ceilings insulated, you will experience a better environment inside your property, even when the AC system is off.

People may know also : Useful Things to Know Before Installing Split AC System